The wind rushed in as she opened the door, wrapping her white hair around her face. She did not meet my eyes, but I glanced at her gaze as she went back inside.

Edith seemed like she was in a world of her own. Although this was not uncommon today, she was incredibly distant.

Edith lives with Alzheimer’s, and she has good days and bad. The holidays are tough. The puzzle pieces of her past haunt her daily thoughts. She grasps to make sense of it all but becomes easily frustrated as her mind drifts.

As I waited for the caregiver to arrive, I suggested we make a cup of tea. She begrudgingly agreed, shrugging her shoulders as she made her way to the kitchen.

Sally arrived on time, and Edith was suspicious from the moment she walked in the door. Edith jerked my arm, pulling me back into the hallway. “I don’t like that girl,” she snorted. “I know she is going to rob me blind.”

Caring for a person living with a dementia-related illness can be tricky.
But communication, support, and training are vital. #In-home care is a wonderful solution for keeping people safe in their homes.

Please peek at my successful #dementia #caregiving tips for the holidays.


Dementia Holiday